

Seven Days in Life

03 - 09 April 2017Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (03 - 09 April 2017)


negativeNegative truths 
Journals and scientists should treat negative results as valid findings worthy of publication, according to a revised version of a European code of research integrity. 
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virusGiant virus discovery sparks debate over tree of life
Evolutionary biologists have never known what to make of viruses, arguing over their origins for decades. But a newly discovered group of giant viruses, called Klosneuviruses, could be a helps to settle the debate — or provoke even more discord. 
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headWhy do some with radical views become terrorists yet others don't?
Since most people who hold radical views do not become terrorists, what are the factors that drive some to violent extremism? These questions and others are addressed in a special issue of American Psychologist.
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tobacoKids' hands may be a source of significant nicotine exposure
Children may carry significant levels of nicotine on their hands just by coming into contact with items or surfaces contaminated with tobacco smoke residues, even when no one is actively smoking around them at the time. 
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nightGene mutation helps explain night owl behavior
Some people stay up late and have trouble getting up in the morning because their internal clock is genetically programmed to run slowly, according to a new study. A mutation alters the human circadian clock of sleep/wake cycles. 
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