

Seven Days in Life

04 – 10 February 2019


IMG_5770 - CopyWeb of Science is coming to Pakistan
Web of Science shall interect with more than 100 Pakistani universities and journals at a conference to focus on transforming the research ecosystem in the country.  Find source


indiaIndian government to boost stipend for early-career scientists
The Indian government announced last week that it will increase the stipend for PhD students who have qualified for a research fellowship by up to 25%. Find source



gutLinks between gut microbes and depression strengthened
The once-wild idea that intestinal bacteria influence mental health has transformed into a major research pursuit. Find source

beesBees can do basic math
Researchers have found bees can do basic mathematics, in a discovery that expands our understanding of brain size and brain power. Find source

wheatHarvesting wild genes gives crops renewed resistance to disease
Researchers have pioneered a new method to rapidly recruit disease-resistance genes from wild plants for transfer into domestic crops. Find source

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