Effect of Vitamin D3 Levels on Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection and IFN-Gamma Expression in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in Iraq

Maitham G. Yousif, Fadhil G. Al-Amran, Salman Rawaf, Dhiya Al-Jumeily


Background: This study aimed to explore the correlation between Vitamin D3 levels and IFN-Gamma expression in children residing in the southern and central provinces of Iraq. Vitamin D3 plays a pivotal role in immune function, and IFN-Gamma is a crucial cytokine involved in antiviral defense. Investigating the connection between Vitamin D3 and IFN-Gamma offers valuable insights into immune responses and potential implications for infectious diseases.

Methods: A case-control study was conducted, involving children from various schools and kindergartens in the southern and central provinces of Iraq. The study assessed Vitamin D3 levels and measured IFN-Gamma expression. Statistical analyses were performed to determine the relationship between these variables.

Results: The outcomes revealed a significant positive correlation between Vitamin D3 levels and IFN-Gamma expression within the study population (p < 0.05). Children with higher Vitamin D3 levels exhibited elevated IFN-Gamma expression, suggesting a possible immunomodulatory impact of Vitamin D3 on IFN-Gamma production.

Conclusion:These findings underscore the importance of maintaining adequate Vitamin D3 levels to support immune function, particularly in relation to IFN-Gamma expression. Improving Vitamin D3 status could potentially bolster antiviral defense mechanisms and reduce susceptibility to viral infections among children in the southern and central provinces of Iraq. Further investigation is warranted to delve into the underlying mechanisms and potential clinical ramifications of this significant association. Additionally, exploring the long-term effects of maintaining optimal Vitamin D3 levels on immune function and the outcomes of infectious diseases in this population would offer valuable insights for preventive and therapeutic strategies.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v10i0.1993


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