Effects of Acetaminophen and Vitamin C Combination on Clinical Vital Signs and Behavioral Traits of Heat-Stressed Dairy Buffalo

Wisam K. Salih Sangor, Adnan Jabbar J. Al-Kanaan, Nameer A. Khudhair


Background: Heat stress (HS) presents significant challenges to water buffalo breeding, particularly in harsh environments like southern Iraq. HS adversely impacts physiological and behavioral aspects in dairy buffaloes, leading to economic losses in productivity and welfare. Interventions such as acetaminophen and vitamin C supplementation have been suggested to alleviate HS impacts due to their anti-stress and anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Methods: This study was conducted in Al-Chibayish Marshes southern Iraq and aimed to evaluate the effects of acetaminophen and vitamin C combination (AVC) on heat-stressed dairy buffalo. Sixteen lactating buffaloes were divided into four treatments. One treatment received regular water (control), while other treatments were given water mixed with AVC at a dose of 500g/1000 liters for 3, 5, and 7 consecutive days per week, respectively, over 30 days. Environmental (temperature, humidity, and THI) and physiological data (body temperature, respiration rate, and pulse rate) were recorded daily, while feed and water consumption were recorded weekly.

Results: Buffaloes experienced significant HS, with temperatures reaching up to 53.2°C and corresponding THI values ranging from 88.05 to 99.31. AVC administration for 5 consecutive days led to increased feed intake by 1.15 kg daily per treatment and decreased water consumption by 16.43 liters daily per treatment compared to the control. Additionally, rectal temperature, respiration rate, and heart rate showed progressive improvement during the second and third weeks, with the most notable improvement observed in the fourth week of the study. These improvements in vital signs and behavioral traits indicate the ability of AVC to improve thermoregulation and reduce heat stress impact.

Conclusion: The investigation highlights the potential of AVC supplementation showing a promise in alleviating HS effects on dairy buffaloes by positively influencing physiological and behavioral parameters. Further research is needed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and optimize supplementation strategies for enhancing buffalo welfare and productivity under heat stress.

Keywords: Acetaminophen; Vitamin C; Physiological; Behavioral; Heat stress; Buffalo   

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v11i2.2462


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