

Seven Days in Life

09 - 15 November 2015This week



Stéthoscope et eurosCountries with highest spending on health
A list featuring countries spending the highest fortune on health is revealed this week. US is first on the chart with more than $8000 amount per capita on account of health.
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Herbicide-Image1Glyphosate (herbicide) causes cancer. No it doesn't.
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published its conclusion on herbicide studies stating glyphosate does not pose a cancer risk to humans. This is contrary to International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) who said it does. The debate is going on.
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Aging-manA step forward to control aging
A highly unexpected anti-aging effects of a candidate drug for Alzheimer's disease in animals are revealed. This molecule has also prevented and even reversed memory loss. 
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test-vit-D_84939139-1024x680RNA based cancer diagnosis
Using a single drop of blood, a new RNA test of blood platelets can be used to diagnose, classify and locate cancer with above 95% accuracy, scientists claimed this last Thursday. 
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