

Seven Days in Life

 29 August – 04 September 2016Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (28 August - 04 September 2016)


dna seqFirst DNA Sequencing in Space
For the first time ever, DNA was successfully sequenced in microgravity as part of the Biomolecule Sequencer experiment performed by NASA astronaut Kate Rubins this weekend aboard the International Space Station. 
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london labLondon super-lab opens under cloud of Brexit
The UK government and the Crick’s other funders have gambled £700 million on the institute, in the hope that it will attract some of world’s brightest young biomedical researchers to Britain and catalyse a boom in the UK life-sciences economy.
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alzAlzheimer’s treatment appears to alleviate memory loss in small trial
A drug called aducanumab might remove the toxic proteins thought to trigger Alzheimer’s disease from the brain, suggests findings from a small clinical trial. 
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bac resSuperbug resistant to two last-resort antibiotics found in US for first time
A strain of E. coli resistant to two last-resort antibiotics has for the first time been reported in the United States.The strain was found in the urine of a man treated at a New Jersey hospital two years ago. 
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gonoThe world may soon run out of drugs to treat gonorrhea
It’s another sign that an era of untreatable bacterial infections is inching closer. The World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines for treating gonorrhea. 
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