

Seven Days in Life

This weekJust count them; first Dengue then Ebola after that Chikungunya and now this week its Mers virus. Situation for South Korea is not easing as WHO anticipates more cases of Mers infections. This week US government decided to stop the use of chimps in labs as experimental animals. While labs are already under criticism for spending much more money on experiments which are of no use. But for cancers patients, labs came with this amazing research which can kill cancer by destroying its roots. And finally, get ready for monitoring your health records on your smartphone. Certain Apps or Application are coming up which would help patients, doctors and researchers to track the health trends and concern.

08 – 14 June 2015



lab-chimpNo more chimps for your research lab
US government has decided to give captive chimpanzees status of endangered species which would prohibit scientist to use them as experimental animals in their laboratories. However, work aiming survival and habitat improvement of chimps is not being restricted. FInd source

mersMers in South Korea: Situation is expected to get worse
Experts at WHO are expecting Mers outbreak in South Korea to get bigger and bigger. This Middle East virus had its first kill in KSA during 2012 outbreak. Fourteen people are reportedly died of this Mers Infection so far in South Korea. FInd source

robo-health-940x401Smart health – Apps would define future of healthcare system
Computer and mobile applications are so powerful and dynamic that health sector can entirely be rewired with their help to make health care information more accessible to physicians, patients, public health experts and researcher. FInd source



expensive researchToo much bills for irreproducible biomedical bench work
Around 28 billion US dollars are getting wasted each year in research that can’t be reproduced. Review published in PLOS Biology blamed faulty research design and altered chemicals. Find source


cancerNano-targeting the Cancer stem cells
Revival of tumor after successful treatment is a common observation in cancer patients. Now scientists have come up with better strategy to cure cancer by targeting tumor stem cell through nano-particles. Find source


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